With OLITURRI we are looking for a balance between freshness and strength.
It is a rounded oil, of aromatic intensity and sophistication.
It is the most complex of our oils, the equivalent of a signature wine from the most valued of wine cellars.
With OLITURRI we are looking for a balance between freshness and strength.
It is a rounded oil, of aromatic intensity and sophistication.
It is the most complex of our oils, the equivalent of a signature wine from the most valued of wine cellars.
The origin of the names of our oils:
One of our olive groves is situated in the area of ‘Los Manantiales’ (‘The Fountains’ or ‘The Springs’) We wanted to connect the idea of a fountain or a spring with our oil and hence we came up with the idea of an oil fountain.
We came up with OLITURRI. (Iturri means fountain/spring en Euskara.(Basque).
With Oliturri we are looking for a balance between freshness and strength. It is a rounded oil, of aromatic intensity and sophistication.
It is the most complex of our oils, the equivalent of a signature wine from the most valued of wine cellars.
As soon as the bottle is opened, a clear sensation of herbaceous plants is perceived, recalling memories of piles of green olives,’alloza’ (green almond skin) green plums, vine leaf, legumes (recently cut clover and alfalfa), and tomato plants, altogether against a background aroma of fresh fruit.
Its taste is fresh on the palate, with character, initially smooth and with a herbal flavor which gives way to a clear but agreeable bitterness and finishes with a full and refreshing spiciness. This brings to mind memories of fresh mixed olives, and the sensation of leaves, pepper plants, artichokes, wild asparagus, with a finishing note of legumes and aromatic herbs like mint and spearmint. Oil of the Arroniz variety, extremely fresh and intense, ideal for use straight from the bottle and which gives a different touch to any dish.
The origin of the names of our oils:
One of our olive groves is situated in the area of ‘Los Manantiales’ (‘The Fountains’ or ‘The Springs’) We wanted to connect the idea of a fountain or a spring with our oil and hence we came up with the idea of an oil fountain.
We came up with OLITURRI. (Iturri means fountain/spring en Euskara.(Basque).
With Oliturri we are looking for a balance between freshness and strength. It is a rounded oil, of aromatic intensity and sophistication.
It is the most complex of our oils, the equivalent of a signature wine from the most valued of wine cellars.
As soon as the bottle is opened, a clear sensation of herbaceous plants is perceived, recalling memories of piles of green olives,’alloza’ (green almond skin) green plums, vine leaf, legumes (recently cut clover and alfalfa), and tomato plants, altogether against a background aroma of fresh fruit.
Its taste is fresh on the palate, with character, initially smooth and with a herbal flavor which gives way to a clear but agreeable bitterness and finishes with a full and refreshing spiciness. This brings to mind memories of fresh mixed olives, and the sensation of leaves, pepper plants, artichokes, wild asparagus, with a finishing note of legumes and aromatic herbs like mint and spearmint. Oil of the Arroniz variety, extremely fresh and intense, ideal for use straight from the bottle and which gives a different touch to any dish.